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Five Principles for Successful Tech Leadership in K-12 Education

Great technology leaders in education aren't born, they're made. So, what defines an effective tech leader in the education landscape? How do they navigate uncertainties while maintaining sustainability?

Three tech champions from California school districts shared insights on managing change and enhancing decision-making to meet educators', students', and community needs:


Embrace Sustainability: Post-pandemic, districts assess the endurance of tech tools. Data and free tools help measure app usage for informed decisions. Focus on long-term investments that educators believe will have lasting benefits.


Align with Mission: Tech decisions should align with a district’s educational goals. Collaboration among stakeholders ensures tech choices echo the district’s vision. Educators' support is crucial for successful tech adoption.


Accelerate Decision-Making: Tech leaders balance speed and long-term success post-rapid tech adoption. Streamline processes, break silos, and reset expectations for swifter but successful decisions.


Embrace Lifelong Learning: Tech leadership in education is distinct. It empowers educators to innovate. Top leaders adapt to industry shifts, striving for ongoing improvement.


Stay Engaged: K-12 tech leaders are integral to community success. They're connected to evolving education needs and find fulfillment in sharing STEAM principles with future generations.





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